Sparkle for Change

بسمة امل الخيرية
United Arab Emirates

عن الحملة

Join us in making a real impact by participating in our Sparkle for Change online campaign. Your involvement in fundraising can truly have a positive impact for the children and communities we support!

You can make a significant difference in helping us provide education, nutrition, healthcare and community outreach for our beneficiaries in Malawi.

With just 50 AED, you can provide a month's worth of nutritious meals for a child, ensuring they receive one meal per day.

For a slightly higher donation of 100 AED, you can double the impact by providing two meals daily for a month.

Take it a step further with a donation of 250 AED, which will guarantee free access to essential medication for a year for both the community members and our children at Sparkle.

A generous contribution of 500 AED can ensure a child's participation in our education program for an entire year, setting them on a path towards a brighter future.

Your support matters, and together, we can create lasting positive change.

How to get involved:

• Donate today and be a part of the transformation – small acts of kindness can spark significant change.

• Set up your own fundraising page on YallaGive and get creative on ways to collect donations. Stuck for ideas? Visit our website to explore different ways that you can fundraise for Sparkle.

For more information or to speak to someone at Sparkle please contact We can’t wait to hear from you!

*All funds collected as part of this campaign will go to supporting our four pillars in Malawi (education, nutrition, healthcare and community outreach) minus 10% that goes to International Humanitarian City Global Impact Fund and 4% to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (as part of fundraising regulations in Dubai, UAE)*

آخر المستجدات

بسمة امل الخيرية
United Arab Emirates

المبلغ الذي تم جمعه 0.00AED
نسبة بلوغ الهدف 0%
هدف الحملة 10,000.00AED

تم الإنشاء Feb 06, 2024

There is no time anymore

أعطِ ابتسامة
