Aisha Ahsan

Aisha Ahsan

I am a child very new to secondary school and loving it. I love to play sports. I read a lot of books and like sharing the good ones with my friends. I love Math and I like to challenge myself in the tricky math problems. I spent my early years in Karachi, Pakistan and I had a friend whose parents ran a garage school. The work they are doing is admirable and I have always wanted to work towards education for children. 

I like to help out and volunteer as much as I can and I volunteer at the food banks in the summer break. I feel that we are extremely privileged and we need to use our position of privilege and power to help so many other children who need us to be the voices to speak up for their rights. Education is the right of every child and we need to work on making sure that no child is deprived of his or her basic rights of education. 

Contact information

Aisha Ahsan


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