TCF Flood Relief Appeal

The Citizens Foundation
United Arab Emirates


More than 33 million people have been impacted by Pakistan’s catastrophic floods. 116 districts (76%) have been affected by these floods and 84 districts have been declared calamity hit by the government of Pakistan.

The Citizens Foundation (TCF) is a professionally managed non-profit organization that builds and operates formal schools in the urban slums and rural areas of Pakistan. TCF has 1,833 school units in 63 districts across Pakistan where children were previously out-of-school. TCF’s network across hundreds of communities means the organization has deep local knowledge and an ability to mobilize relief in places that are typically forgotten, thanks to our faculty, staff, and alumni.

Many of TCF’s schools were flooded and served as refuge for displaced families; scores of students, staff members and neighbors lost their homes, and livelihoods across these communities have been swept away by the water.

TCF, therefore, launched the TCF Flood Relief Appeal to help address immediate needs and enable rehabilitation. TCF’s efforts include:

Providing 5 million meals to affected families through transporting bags of food (lentils, dried chickpeas, flour, rice). TCF is ensuring that the distribution of food is (1) not chaotic, (2) done in a way that maintains the dignity of those receiving assistance, and (3) safe for women, who are often at the front of our lines. To date, TCF has delivered 4.5 million meals to over 58,000 flood-affected families.

• Giving cash transfers of Rs. 50,000 ($223) to rebuild lives and livelihoods for 9,000 families. TCF believes it is best to let the beneficiaries decide what their priority needs are, some may opt to use this money to buy a livelihood asset (e.g. livestock or seed and fertilizer for farming), and others may use this money for reconstructing their homes

Rehabilitating over 100 TCF schools damaged by the floods. Repair works will be needed for schools that have sustained water damage and for some of the schools that were used as shelters by families who had lost their homes.

IACAD Permit Number PRHCE-000355656




Over 5 MILLION MEALS have been delivered to 65,758 flood-affected families! That is what your overwhelming support for the TCF Flood Relief Appeal made possible. Because of your kindness and generosity, communities who had lost almost everything got help right away. We can’t thank you enough for being a source of comfort and hope for those affected by this crisis.

#TCF #TheCitizensFoundation #TCFFloodReliefAppeal

The Citizens Foundation
United Arab Emirates

Raised : 14,977.00AED
Raised 30%
Goal : 50,000.00AED

Created Oct 24, 2022

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