Nazar Musa

Nazar Musa

I could not be more excited / frightened / anxious / overweight (delete depending on the day) to be embarking on my third Gulf4Good charity challenge. Since the first in 2006 i've watched with pride and awe at the work this fine organization does to benefit those less fortunate than ourselves throughout Africa, Asia and the wider world. 

This time around i'm taking part in the Namibia Cycling Challenge in November. It is not worth doing something that's easy and so many, many Kilometers across the incredible desert and mountain landscape of Namibia is just the challenge for a novice cycler who prefers a Spa hotel to a tent. However the incredible charity that will benefit from this slight discomfort is amazing and our efforts will enrich the lives of many children in Namibia.

Prepare to hear stories about the trip for years to come - OR donate the most and I promise not to mention it to you again! 

Your contribution whether big or small is very much appreciated (but make it as big as you can!!)

Contact information

Nazar Musa


Funds raised